A couple of years ago we had a yard sale. In preparation, I went through all the closets, an outside storage building, and the attic taking stock of things to sell, keep, or throw away. I used my living and dining rooms as the staging area for the big day and began to corral all the ‘sell’ items there to sort and price. It wasn’t long before there was no room to walk in my house. There were six coffee makers, four bedroom comforter-dust ruffle-sham sets, a stack of board games, and several shelves of books. There were three or four sets of decorative glass bake ware that were still in original boxes. We received those as wedding gifts 20 years ago. Never used. There was an extra computer, a couple of radios, and all kinds of electronic gadgets and toys. And of course, there were all the clothes that had been shrunken by the dryer. Oh, and a car.
The more I piled up, the more mortified I became. How can two people have this much stuff that they don’t use? It was ridiculous. I became embarrassed about having so much. I kept thinking about all the other people in the world who had to live on so much less. I was all the more ready, then, to just get rid of the stuff.
The reason we wanted to have the yard sale in the first place was to make a little extra money. We wanted the extra money to buy more stuff. What in the world?! When it was all over, we made about $1,400 but I honestly can’t remember how we spent it. What I will never forget is the impression God made on my heart to loosen my tight grip on the things of this world. He’s given me his priceless kingdom and that’s what I want to cling to.
I still have some work to do in that area, but I’m getting there. Last week when I broke my lilac Fiesta pie baker, I was sad. A couple of years ago I would have bawled like a baby about it since a replacement would be hard to find and expensive. At least this time there were no tears.
For a place at His table, I’ll trade all of these:
Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:32-34
Fiesta Ware is so pretty! It looks so nice all lined up like that against that white wall!
I finally figured this out. I've tried to leave several comments before but to no avail. Duh....read the directions! I took my fiesta cafe cup to work not too long ago and several of my colleagues have commented on it. What a great opportunity to educate about Fiesta! I preceded to tell my colleagues about your Fiesta, and the look at me like they don't believe me. Now I can show them! What fun.
Love you.
I know nothing about fiesta ware other than it looks pretty. But I do know a lot about stuff!! I too am learning that stuff can be a distraction from the things that really matter. Thanks for sharing your thoughts--they are always good to read.
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